Evangelical Christian Resources
*Note: CrossLife Church provides links to other sites as a service.
CLC is not responsible for privacy practices of other sites, nor does it always condone content found on other websites.

Bible Study Tools:
http://www.lifeway.com/ - Practical Biblical solutions for life.
http://www.biblegateway.com/ - find the Bible in your original language.
http://eword.gospelcom.net/comments/ - Devotionals and classic Bible commentaries
http://www.christianbook.com/ – great for purchasing Bibles and Christian literature at discount price
http://www.blueletterbible.org/ - commentaries, links, etc.
http://www.crosswalk.com/ - Christian resources galore
http://www.monergism.com/ - Resources from reformed perspective

Bible Teaching:
http://www.gty.org/ - Grace to You ministry of John MacArthur
http://www.desiringgod.org/ - ministry site of John Piper
http://www.epm.org/ - Eternal Perspectives Ministry of Randy Alcorn
http://www.truthforlife.org/ - Truth For Life Ministry of Alistair Begg
http://www.ligonier.org/ - Ministry of R.C. Sproul
http://www.9marks.org/ - Ministry of Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington, D.C.
http://www.gospelcoalition.org/ - Gospel centered teaching

Evangelism and Apologetics:
http://wayofthemaster.com/ - Share your faith without compromising the gospel.
http://www.leestrobel.com/ - Former agnostic with articles and interviews about Christ’s claims.
http://www.aomin.org/ - Want to know about the trinity, debates addressing theology, cults and more?
http://www.justforcatholics.org/ - For Catholics who are interested in what it means to be born again.
http://www.answersingenesis.org/ - Helpful resources on creation.

http://www.imb.org/ - International Mission Board
http://www.namb.net/ - North American Mission Board
http://www.heartcrymissionary.com/ - Ministry of Paul Washer (indigenous church planting)

Baptist Information:
http://www.sbc.net/ - Southern Baptist site
http://www.bpnews.org/ - Baptist Press News
http://www.founders.org/ - Site from historical Baptist perspective.
http://www.baptiststart.com/ - Great site for study, practical resources from Baptist perspective.
http://www.arvba.com/ - Association of Southern Baptist churches in AR River Valley area
http://www.absc.org/ - Arkansas Baptist State Convention

Financial Guidance:
http://www.crown.org/ - Need help getting a grip on finances, go here quick!
http://www.epm.org/ - Site of Randy Alcorn and Eternal Perspectives ministry

Culture and Issues of the Day:
http://www.almohler.org/ - commentary from scholarly evangelical viewpoint
http://www.wallbuilders.com/ - David Barton on Christian heritage
http://www.pluggedinonline.com/ - movie reviews and more

Family Helps:
http://www.focusonthefamily.com/ - James Dobson’s Focus on the Family Ministry
http://www.familylife.com/ - Ministry of Dennis Rainey (great article archives)
http://www.ccef.org/ - Biblical counseling, not the pop psych. stuff
http://www.settingcaptivesfree.com/ - Christ centered site for addictions (Food, drugs, porn)