Expectations for Preaching
Expect to hear faithful preaching of God's Word! Bobby Biggers, our pastor, usually teaches us chapter by chapter, and verse by verse. We aim to preach expository sermons, where the meaning of the text is the main point of the sermon. Bobby preaches most of the time, but at times there are others who share the pulpit. They are men who are known by the leadership and have been entrusted with opening God's Word to this flock.
Expectations of Singing Praise
Expect to praise and worship our great God! Our Sunday morning service consists of singing songs of praise and adoration; our songs range from contemporary to hymns. The focus of this time is to exalt God and sing of His goodness. We also read the Word of God aloud in the congregation. There is a time set apart to pray with one another. Then we sit under the teaching of the Word. Ultimately, we view the entirety of the service (everything we do as we gather together) as an act of worship.
Additional Expectations
We celebrate with a fellowship meal the first Sunday of each month following the morning service and remember Christ's death, burial and resurrection during Communion on the 2nd Sunday gathering of the month.
Additional info:
What to wear? Casual.
Bible translation taught from? ESV.
Hospitality? Coffee and donuts provided.
Time and Location
Our Sunday morning worship service begins at 10am. The service typically last around 90 minutes. We meet at the Pope County Senior Activity Center. The address is 1010 N Rochester Avenue, Russellville, AR 72802.
Arriving to CrossLife
Expect to be greeted when you arrive! We aim, by God's grace and help, to cultivate a welcoming and friendly environment.
Expectations for Children
Expectations for Children:
If you have babies/kids, they are welcome to stay in the service with you; or, we can show you where the nursery is. CrossLife Kids, our children's Bible learning time, is available for infants through Kindergarten after the praise and worship portion of the service. They are also welcome to stay with you for the service.